Church Life

St Mary’s is a church that welcomes and supports people at all stages of life. Together we explore faith and prayerfully work to put it into action. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, there is a place for you here.

Congregational Activities

Prayer Gatherings

We get together on a Friday evening every fortnight to pray for the church and the community.

Men’s Group

We meet in the Church Hall Meeting Room at 10.30 a.m. on a Saturday morning once a month to pray and to discuss together matters of faith and practice, often on topics suggested by one of our members. We also offer informal pastoral support to those who are no longer able to attend. Our latest initiative has been to introduce to the congregation Lend with Care, a scheme which works to help set up small businesses in developing countries with microfinance from CARE International UK 

Monday Gathering

We meet in the Church Hall Meeting Room on the first and third Monday afternoons of the month between 2.00 – 3.30pm. to pray, chat and enjoy a cuppa. Some members bring knitting, crocheting or sewing to do. We welcome members of the Mothers’ Union from other churches and also members of the Church of Scotland Guild.

Children and Family Groups

Bereavement Support – Living with Loss

We provide support for people in the local community struggling with grief for a loved one. Get in touch with our Coordinator if you would like to talk to someone or require further information.
T: 07754 733531

Care for the Environment

St Mary’s has been an Eco Congregation for over twenty years.

During this time we have undertaken many practical environmental projects including improving the insulation of our buildings in order to reduce energy consumption. We have ensured that the electricity we consume comes from renewable sources and that our funds are invested in ethically sound companies. We have improved the church grounds, making it a place where local people can come and enjoy the natural environment.

Each year we celebrate the Season of Creation, with special services on Climate Sunday and a focus on the environment in the following three weeks leading to Harvest Thanksgiving. We also put on a range of activities designed to educate our families with children and to encourage them to respond in practical ways. The human cost of the Climate Crisis has been the topic of our prayers at other times of the year, for example, during Christian Aid Week, Fairtrade Fortnight and Sanctuary Sunday.

We seek to raise awareness of environmental issues in the local community by means of our annual Eco Fest which is held in May.


The church building is open every day for prayer and reflection. You are also welcome to use the grounds, including our Quiet Garden, for times of retreat.

Our Ministry Team is available for anyone who wishes prayer or spiritual guidance.
For our quarterly Quiet Afternoons, which provide opportunities to try out different spiritual practices, check out Latest News.

For residential retreats and courses, we recommend The Bield at Blackruthven near Perth.

Diocesan Life

St Mary’s plays an active part in the life of our diocese of St Andrews’, Dunblane and Dunkeld. For services and events visit The Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane – A Diocese of the Scottish Episcopal Church